
Thursday 9 May 2013

BLOOD DONATION : 2nd Donation sessions at DSUK Coventry and Hatfield

The second official donation session for DSUK Coventry and Hatfield offices took place in March and April. Overall there were 15 volunteer donors, and 8 who successfully donated, which represents 4% of the total DSUK staff.

Thank you to all those who participated, and keep up the good work!

Sarah Wheeldon, DSUK

Tuesday 23 April 2013

BLOOD DONATION: 1st Donation session at DNEU completed!

Between the 11-18th April, DNEU colleagues were invited to take part in some organised blood donation sessions.

The donation facilities were off-site, so a designated driver was assigned to take the donors to the Blood transfusion Service venue in Amsterdam.

In total, there were 8 donors who took part during the working week, and a further 8 donors who did so in their own time. 16 donors represents 6% of DNEU staff, which exceeds the initial target of 5% of colleagues donating. This is a GREAT result for DNEU, and we hope this will continue!

Hanneke Scholten, DNEU

Thursday 18 April 2013

BLOOD DONATION : 2nd Donation Session at DNDE completed

At the second official donation event for DNDE, the Blood & Transplant Service (BTS) opened the doors one hour ahead of the normal public time, especially for the DENSO volunteers.
In addition two doctors have been provided to accelerate the medical check in the advance of the donation.

The DENSO participants are already well known to the BTS team - probably because of the positive atmosphere created by the DNDE group.
Spreading this good mood during the donation, this event became not only important for the community but created fun and offered beside this the opportunity to chat to colleagues from other departments which you normally don't have business relation.

All in all there were 25 successful donations by the DENSO volunteers, which is about 24% of the total donations on the BTS event that day.

The BTS is very happy to have DENSO as a strong partner for these donation events.

Gunnar Nees, DNDE

Friday 14 December 2012

BLOOD DONATION > 1st sessions at DSUK completed!

The donation session as DSUK were spread over three possible dates: 14th November and 12th December in DSUK Coventry, and 3rd December at DSUK Hatfield.

Two regular donors* at DSUK Coventry attended the donation session at a blood wagon near the office on this date.

* Please note that this included the Project Coach for our RAPID Blood Drive!

A huge 22% of the staff at DSUK Hatfield turned up to donate blood on the 3rd December! This equates to 12 volunteers, and of these, there were 10 successful donations. This means that 17% of DSUK Hatfield staff donated blood, against an original target of 5%.

This is an AMAZING achievement, and we thank everyone for their support!
Most importantly a number of these donors booked for the next session on the 15th April 2013.

The session on this date was the first 'organised' session for DSUK Coventry. It involved transporting all volunteers to a nearby donation facility. There were 16 volunteers in total, although due to illness, only 13 were able to join on the day, and of these, 9 were able to donate.

This represents (combined with the two donors from November), 13% of the DSUK Coventry staff who volunteered to donate, and 8% who were actually able to donate blood.
Against a target of 5%, this is a GREAT achievement, and we thank everyone for their support!
As with Hatfield, a number of the donors have already signed up for the next session on the 3rd April 2013.

If we combine the results across both offices, and all three sessions, the statistics for DSUK blood donation are as follows:
  • 30 volunteers = 16% of total DSUK staff
  • 21 donors = 11.5% of total DSUK staff

Sarah Wheeldon, DSUK

BLOOD DONATION > 1st session at DMHU completed!

On the 8th and 13th of November, DMHU held an on site blood donation session for all associates.
The first session was strongly supported, with 40 associates donating blood. The second session did not attract so many donors, but there were still 15 associates who donated.

In total, 55 of DMHU associates donated blood during the November session, which is a great start. The target for the year is 320 associates, so there is still some additional effort required.

However, we would like to say a huge THANK YOU to all who contributed to this first session, and hope that you will all come back and donate at the next session!

Zoltan Hegyesi, DMHU

Monday 3 December 2012

BLOOD DONATION > 1st Session at DNDE completed!

On the 28th November, the first formal blood donation session took place at DNDE.
There were two volunteer drivers who took 26 blood donors to the local school where they were able to donate blood. Of the 26, 21 successfully donated blood, which means that DNDE exceeded their target of 5% of DNDE staff making a donation.


DENSO Blood Drive > Team photo

The DENSO Blood Drive team members all met up at the close of the RAPID program on 8-9th November in DENSO European Headquarters in Weesp, The Netherlands.
Andre had managed to negotiate for us to get some suitable uniforms for our final project presentation:

Our presentation was very well received, and we were presented with our RAPID Certificates.
We will be reporting further about how successful each donation session has been at each DENSO site, so that you can read about our real-life achievements across DENSO Europe.