
Thursday 14 June 2012


Today, June 14th 2012, is World Blood Day. An appropriate day to start a blog recording the adventures of a group of DENSO employees who want to promote and facilitate the donation of blood by our European associates.

As coincidence would have it, there was a blood wagon on site at our office in the UK today to take donations, so, intending to lead by example, I duly booked my appointment, and headed over there to give them a pint of my red stuff.

One hour later, I left with no more than a plaster on my finger from the initial anaemia test, as apparently my veins are too 'delicate' for the needles that they use to withdraw the blood...

As they say in the UK, 'Those who can, do. Those who can't, teach', so it looks like I will be resigned to preaching, though unfortunately not practicing, but I hope that my enthusiasm will inspire others to do something truly special, and give blood.

Sarah Wheeldon, DSUK