
Thursday 26 July 2012


On the 25th July, DNDE ran a trial blood donation locally. Here is an account of the event:

In DNDE a few colleagues gathered to make a trial on the DENSO Blood Drive - a CSR project in DIEU to volunteer for blood donation.
DNDE offers the opportunity to donate blood in a nearby school during working time for their associates. Before the official project roll out some colleagues out of various departments could already experience the process of blood donation.

Some of the colleagues are already well experienced donators – for others this was the very first time. The whole team was looking forward to this exciting event.

Before the actual donation the volunteer need to sign in and receive a medical check to evaluate his capability.

When you have seen the doctor for final personal inspection you can provide your blood through a needle in the vein – which does not hurt.

 After the donation of 450ml blood, plus some additional 50ml for further tests and investigation, you may rest for 10 to 15 minutes on the bed or a chair.

As soon you feel fine and the medics release you, you can get up again and get some refreshments and snacks.

 Beside the heroic performance to donate blood for people that need that help – and beside the CSR activity to support our community – we could select a little present from the Blood Transfusion Service (Blutspendedienst).

The overall judgment of this activity is very positive and we have to ask our self “why didn’t we do this earlier”.
With the official roll out we are going to donate again  - most likely in September. ---- And you can join!

Gunnar Nees, DNDE

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