
Wednesday 5 September 2012

BLOOD DONATION: session overview at DSUK

In late July and early August, there were two opportunities to look at alternative venues for blood donation at both the Hatfield and Coventry offices of DSUK. The need to find additional sites was raised from feedback received from DSUK colleagues, who advised the following:
  1. Due to the limited facilities of the blood donation truck that comes on site, it is not always possible to get an appointment to donate blood.
  2. The blood truck only comes three times a year - if people are not available on the one day it is on site, then they lose the opportunity to donate locally to work.
A little research identified that there are several other donation sessions held very close to the Hatfield and Coventry offices, that offer a larger facility (and more beds) as well as additional opportunities to donate throughout the calendar year.

So I decided to check out the alternative facilities, and asked some local staff to support if possible.
There were two volunteers, one at each location, who agreed to come along and 'test' the facilities:

Danny Robinson
Danny is a relatively new addition to the DENSO team in Hatfield, having joined the Honda Sales team in May 2012. He is a regular blood donor anyway, and was happy to support this activity at a local donation facility.

 It is nice to give something back to society and the people who need it most, one day I may need some blood too! The facility at Hatfield was very good - clean, with an efficient layout.
I think it's a good idea to donate during the working day, and I would be pleased to get away from my PC for a small amount of time and consider the more important things in life. I wish more people would donate!

The venue was located next door to the Hatfield office, in a hotel. The Donation Service had taken over a room, and put up several donation stations, as well as the private cubicles when donors register.

The waiting time at this venue was not very long, and Danny was processed quite quickly. Soon enough he was reclining in a comfy chair, donating a pint of his red stuff!

After donation his blood, he then enjoyed a nice cup of tea, and some biscuits.

Steve Kipping
Steve has worked at our Coventry office for nearly 13 years. He works in the electrical section of the EMS Engineering team. Steve is a regular blood donator:
"I feel by donating blood I can do something to help others in some way. We are constantly reminded that blood stocks in this country are low, so I feel that as I can donate, I should whenever I can. It could well save someone’s life, and that has to be worth it. I believe the company supporting staff to donate blood during working hours is a great idea and should hopefully encourage more to donate. Donating blood really is simple; the staff are friendly and helpful; and it doesn’t take much time. I’d encourage anyway who can to donate at the next available opportunity".

Unfortunately we were not able to take photographs at the Coventry venue, but it was a very similar layout to the Hatfield event, but took place inside a community centre, rather than a hotel.

DSUK is targetting two donation sessions in the next few months:

25th October: Hatfield, Ramada Hotel
14th Novermber: Coventry, donation truck onsite

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