
Thursday 1 November 2012

BLOOD DONATION: First session at DMIT completed!

On the 23rd October, the first blood donation session was rolled out at DMIT with great success.

The BTS team included one doctor and three nurses who came from the AVIS-Pescara centre, and a further two doctors from the local Vasto BTS.

Meeting rooms near the main entrance served as a waiting room and rest area, and the DMIT canteen offered refreshments in the form of fruit, biscuits, tea, coffee, and of course the famour Italian 'panino'!

The equipped blood donation ambulance arrived in the morning and positioned itself near the main entrance of DMIT.

From 08.30-12.00 there were sessions available for interview and preliminary donations.

From 0900-11.00 regular pre-registered donors were able to donate blood.

The whole day was very successful, and DMIT met 94% of their target on their first effort, with the following results:

Number of existing donors who donated: 7
New registrations and initial donations: 21
Others: 5

Total number of people who joined the effort was 33, against a target of 35. This is an excellent effort for the DMIT team, and an example of how successful this project could be across DENSO Europe.

Salvatore Marcovecchio, DMIT

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