
Friday 14 December 2012

BLOOD DONATION > 1st sessions at DSUK completed!

The donation session as DSUK were spread over three possible dates: 14th November and 12th December in DSUK Coventry, and 3rd December at DSUK Hatfield.

Two regular donors* at DSUK Coventry attended the donation session at a blood wagon near the office on this date.

* Please note that this included the Project Coach for our RAPID Blood Drive!

A huge 22% of the staff at DSUK Hatfield turned up to donate blood on the 3rd December! This equates to 12 volunteers, and of these, there were 10 successful donations. This means that 17% of DSUK Hatfield staff donated blood, against an original target of 5%.

This is an AMAZING achievement, and we thank everyone for their support!
Most importantly a number of these donors booked for the next session on the 15th April 2013.

The session on this date was the first 'organised' session for DSUK Coventry. It involved transporting all volunteers to a nearby donation facility. There were 16 volunteers in total, although due to illness, only 13 were able to join on the day, and of these, 9 were able to donate.

This represents (combined with the two donors from November), 13% of the DSUK Coventry staff who volunteered to donate, and 8% who were actually able to donate blood.
Against a target of 5%, this is a GREAT achievement, and we thank everyone for their support!
As with Hatfield, a number of the donors have already signed up for the next session on the 3rd April 2013.

If we combine the results across both offices, and all three sessions, the statistics for DSUK blood donation are as follows:
  • 30 volunteers = 16% of total DSUK staff
  • 21 donors = 11.5% of total DSUK staff

Sarah Wheeldon, DSUK

BLOOD DONATION > 1st session at DMHU completed!

On the 8th and 13th of November, DMHU held an on site blood donation session for all associates.
The first session was strongly supported, with 40 associates donating blood. The second session did not attract so many donors, but there were still 15 associates who donated.

In total, 55 of DMHU associates donated blood during the November session, which is a great start. The target for the year is 320 associates, so there is still some additional effort required.

However, we would like to say a huge THANK YOU to all who contributed to this first session, and hope that you will all come back and donate at the next session!

Zoltan Hegyesi, DMHU

Monday 3 December 2012

BLOOD DONATION > 1st Session at DNDE completed!

On the 28th November, the first formal blood donation session took place at DNDE.
There were two volunteer drivers who took 26 blood donors to the local school where they were able to donate blood. Of the 26, 21 successfully donated blood, which means that DNDE exceeded their target of 5% of DNDE staff making a donation.


DENSO Blood Drive > Team photo

The DENSO Blood Drive team members all met up at the close of the RAPID program on 8-9th November in DENSO European Headquarters in Weesp, The Netherlands.
Andre had managed to negotiate for us to get some suitable uniforms for our final project presentation:

Our presentation was very well received, and we were presented with our RAPID Certificates.
We will be reporting further about how successful each donation session has been at each DENSO site, so that you can read about our real-life achievements across DENSO Europe.

Thursday 1 November 2012

BLOOD DONATION: First session at DMIT completed!

On the 23rd October, the first blood donation session was rolled out at DMIT with great success.

The BTS team included one doctor and three nurses who came from the AVIS-Pescara centre, and a further two doctors from the local Vasto BTS.

Meeting rooms near the main entrance served as a waiting room and rest area, and the DMIT canteen offered refreshments in the form of fruit, biscuits, tea, coffee, and of course the famour Italian 'panino'!

The equipped blood donation ambulance arrived in the morning and positioned itself near the main entrance of DMIT.

From 08.30-12.00 there were sessions available for interview and preliminary donations.

From 0900-11.00 regular pre-registered donors were able to donate blood.

The whole day was very successful, and DMIT met 94% of their target on their first effort, with the following results:

Number of existing donors who donated: 7
New registrations and initial donations: 21
Others: 5

Total number of people who joined the effort was 33, against a target of 35. This is an excellent effort for the DMIT team, and an example of how successful this project could be across DENSO Europe.

Salvatore Marcovecchio, DMIT

PROMOTION: DSUK to use Health & Safety Day to promote Blood donation

DSUK will have their annual Health & Safety Day at both the Hatfield and Coventry offices on the 28th November 2012. The General Affairs department at DSUK is considering taking on the Blood Donation project after the RAPID close, subject to there being enough uptake by DSUK staff.
The suggestions from the GA Manager was to incorporate the promotion of Blood donation at our annual Health & Safety Day.
It has been arranged that local BTS staff will attend both offices on this date to make a brief presentation on blood donation, and to be available to answer any questions that people have, and to register new donors in advance of the planned donation sessions in December.

Sarah Wheeldon, DSUK

Wednesday 3 October 2012

PROMOTION: BTS use DNDE project as promotion activity

DNDE has been approached by the local BTS office who has been inspired by the DENSO Blood Drive project, and wants to use our case study (including photographs and the DENSO logo), as part of their own website. The BTS aim is to use real-life examples of such projects to encourage other people to get involved.
This is a great publicity opportunity for DENSO, and show a real result for the CSR program for 2012. DNDE are currently reviewing whether this can be supported.

Gunnar Nees, DNDE

Thursday 27 September 2012

PROMOTION: DMHU advertise the next blood donation session

DMHU have been preparing for the next blood donation session on the 3-4th October, and have been advertising the activity internally with posters and flyers:

Good luck for the next donation session!

Zoltan Hegyesi, DMHU

Tuesday 18 September 2012

PROMOTION: DNEU make blood donation easier for associates

As part of a dedicated Corporate Social Responsibility project, DNEU has been working hard promote the donation of blood among it's associates. These posters will soon appear on the walls of the offices to encourage people to make time to donate, and advising them of how to become involved:

In addition to providing transport to and from the donation venue, the DNEU team has made efforts to streamline the registration process that is a legal requirement for anyone in the Netherlands to complete before blood donation, by creating a 'registration card' for associates to complete in advance of the blood donation session.

Andre Koppenol, DNEU

PROMOTION: DMIT raise awareness at Annual Beach Volleyball Competition

DMIT took the opportunity to use their Annual Beach Volleyball Competition to raise awareness of the campaign to increase blood donation by DENSO employees.

The competition was held on the 1st September, and there were 6 teams competing, with over 100 DMIT colleagues, family and friends who joined to watch. In addition, there were 3 representatives from the local Blood Transfusion Service (BTS) who joined and were available for discussion with the DMIT team.

At the beginning of the tournament, a speech was made to the gathered crowd, to inform them of the DENSO Blood Drive project. This was well received, with several people asking why this type of project had not been done before, and where they could register for the next event.

In the end, team SC BTech won the tournament, and hopefully the BTS has secured more support from DMIT associates who will donate their blood at the next session!

Salvatore Marcovecchio, DMIT

Wednesday 5 September 2012

BLOOD DONATION: session overview at DSUK

In late July and early August, there were two opportunities to look at alternative venues for blood donation at both the Hatfield and Coventry offices of DSUK. The need to find additional sites was raised from feedback received from DSUK colleagues, who advised the following:
  1. Due to the limited facilities of the blood donation truck that comes on site, it is not always possible to get an appointment to donate blood.
  2. The blood truck only comes three times a year - if people are not available on the one day it is on site, then they lose the opportunity to donate locally to work.
A little research identified that there are several other donation sessions held very close to the Hatfield and Coventry offices, that offer a larger facility (and more beds) as well as additional opportunities to donate throughout the calendar year.

So I decided to check out the alternative facilities, and asked some local staff to support if possible.
There were two volunteers, one at each location, who agreed to come along and 'test' the facilities:

Danny Robinson
Danny is a relatively new addition to the DENSO team in Hatfield, having joined the Honda Sales team in May 2012. He is a regular blood donor anyway, and was happy to support this activity at a local donation facility.

 It is nice to give something back to society and the people who need it most, one day I may need some blood too! The facility at Hatfield was very good - clean, with an efficient layout.
I think it's a good idea to donate during the working day, and I would be pleased to get away from my PC for a small amount of time and consider the more important things in life. I wish more people would donate!

The venue was located next door to the Hatfield office, in a hotel. The Donation Service had taken over a room, and put up several donation stations, as well as the private cubicles when donors register.

The waiting time at this venue was not very long, and Danny was processed quite quickly. Soon enough he was reclining in a comfy chair, donating a pint of his red stuff!

After donation his blood, he then enjoyed a nice cup of tea, and some biscuits.

Steve Kipping
Steve has worked at our Coventry office for nearly 13 years. He works in the electrical section of the EMS Engineering team. Steve is a regular blood donator:
"I feel by donating blood I can do something to help others in some way. We are constantly reminded that blood stocks in this country are low, so I feel that as I can donate, I should whenever I can. It could well save someone’s life, and that has to be worth it. I believe the company supporting staff to donate blood during working hours is a great idea and should hopefully encourage more to donate. Donating blood really is simple; the staff are friendly and helpful; and it doesn’t take much time. I’d encourage anyway who can to donate at the next available opportunity".

Unfortunately we were not able to take photographs at the Coventry venue, but it was a very similar layout to the Hatfield event, but took place inside a community centre, rather than a hotel.

DSUK is targetting two donation sessions in the next few months:

25th October: Hatfield, Ramada Hotel
14th Novermber: Coventry, donation truck onsite


DMHU has confirmed the next blood donation session at the plant in SzĂ©kesfehĂ©rvĂ¡r will take place on the 3rd & 4th October. Due to the high demand of the DMHU staff, this session is one day longer than previous donation sessions, to accommodate all the additional donors.

Thursday 26 July 2012


On the 25th July, DNDE ran a trial blood donation locally. Here is an account of the event:

In DNDE a few colleagues gathered to make a trial on the DENSO Blood Drive - a CSR project in DIEU to volunteer for blood donation.
DNDE offers the opportunity to donate blood in a nearby school during working time for their associates. Before the official project roll out some colleagues out of various departments could already experience the process of blood donation.

Some of the colleagues are already well experienced donators – for others this was the very first time. The whole team was looking forward to this exciting event.

Before the actual donation the volunteer need to sign in and receive a medical check to evaluate his capability.

When you have seen the doctor for final personal inspection you can provide your blood through a needle in the vein – which does not hurt.

 After the donation of 450ml blood, plus some additional 50ml for further tests and investigation, you may rest for 10 to 15 minutes on the bed or a chair.

As soon you feel fine and the medics release you, you can get up again and get some refreshments and snacks.

 Beside the heroic performance to donate blood for people that need that help – and beside the CSR activity to support our community – we could select a little present from the Blood Transfusion Service (Blutspendedienst).

The overall judgment of this activity is very positive and we have to ask our self “why didn’t we do this earlier”.
With the official roll out we are going to donate again  - most likely in September. ---- And you can join!

Gunnar Nees, DNDE

Wednesday 25 July 2012

PROMOTION: DNEU Blood donation

In advance of any planned sessions, DNEU is promoting blood donation internally with the use of posters:

Andre Koppenol, DNEU

PROMOTION: DMIT information share

DMIT has agreed with General Affairs to include some literature about blood donation in the monthly payroll for August. All DMIT associates will receive the following information along with their payslip.

This is all in advance of the next promotion activity for this project, which will take place in September. Details to follow soon!

Salvatore Marcovecchio, DMIT

Monday 23 July 2012

CANCELLED: DSUK Coventry Blood Drive

Bad news : due to illness in the staff who operate the Blood Mobile, the planned donation session for 24th July has been cancelled. For information, I had confirmed that at least 5 people from DSUK Coventry intended to donate on this day (which is equivalent to 3.2% of the total DENSO associates in the office).
It is currently being investigated if the session can be rescheduled, but in the event that this is not possible the next planned Blood Drive at DSUK Coventry will be on the 14th November.
DSUK will have to review if there are other donating opportunities in the area between now and November. It may be that we can use the DNDE / DNEU donation program as a template for future DSUK donations.

Wednesday 18 July 2012


On the 10th July 2012 a successful blood donation session was held in DMHU.

The donation session was held in-house at DMHU (in the Training Centre), and there were four donation stations that were staffed by specialists from the Blood Donation Centre.
There were 57 DMHU associates who volunteered to donate, of which 50 were able to donate blood.
The next donation session will take place at the beginning of October.
Congratulations to all at DMHU for a very successful event!

Zoltan Hegyesi, DMHU

Tuesday 10 July 2012

BLOOD DONATION: Event at DSUK Coventry

Notification has been issued to all DSUK Coventry associates of the next Blood Donation session to be held on the Business Park on 24th July 2012.

DSUK will use this as an opportunity to encourage associates to donate blood, but also to understand how many already donate.
We will also confirm the availability of appointments at the donation session, to make sure that we can use existing facilities for our project, or if we need to find alternative facilities to accommodate us.

Sarah Wheeldon, DSUK


DENSO Italy HR department has proposed sharing information with associates about the DENSO Blood Drive in their August payroll. We will approach the local Blood Transfusion Service to acquire the suitable material to be shared with associates to support this activity.

Salvatore Marcovecchio, DMIT


In anticipation of a full roll out of the Blood Donation project, DNDE is using the next available donation session in nearby Eching to test out the planned transportation of DENSO associates to and from the location. This will be on the 25th July 2012.
DNDE is hoping for support from within different departments of the office, and will be collecting feedback from the associates, as well as documenting the activities to be posted on the blog after the event.

Gunnar Nees, DNDE

Thursday 5 July 2012


Today, the DENSO Blood Drive project was presented to the top management at the DENSO Italy plant, and successfully received the approval of the senior team to implement this project at DMIT.

The DMIT President, Saji san, confirmed that he has experience of a similar blood donation arrangement in DENSO Japan, so he is supportive of the project in Europe also.

Salvatore Marcovecchio, DMIT

Monday 2 July 2012


On Wednesday 27 June the Denso Blood Drive project was presented to DIEU President, Mr Makino.
Mr Makino himself was a volunteer blood donor when he was in Japan.
He is positive regarding our project but wants to have consensus with the Management Committee.
The project will be presented in the next MC Meeting on July 18th.

AndrĂ© Koppenol, DNEU 

Thursday 14 June 2012


Today, June 14th 2012, is World Blood Day. An appropriate day to start a blog recording the adventures of a group of DENSO employees who want to promote and facilitate the donation of blood by our European associates.

As coincidence would have it, there was a blood wagon on site at our office in the UK today to take donations, so, intending to lead by example, I duly booked my appointment, and headed over there to give them a pint of my red stuff.

One hour later, I left with no more than a plaster on my finger from the initial anaemia test, as apparently my veins are too 'delicate' for the needles that they use to withdraw the blood...

As they say in the UK, 'Those who can, do. Those who can't, teach', so it looks like I will be resigned to preaching, though unfortunately not practicing, but I hope that my enthusiasm will inspire others to do something truly special, and give blood.

Sarah Wheeldon, DSUK